Well my first ever showing at CONTACT was fantastic! The Six Shooter Record Store was a great venue and the staff was awesome. Huge shout out to them all!
Due to the success of the show, I am making reprints available of the pieces I had hanging.
To order prints please contact me at mavreendavid@mac.com
If you'd like to receive info on new work, upcoming exhibits, and other tidbits, please email me and I will add you to my newsletter recipient list.
How lucky are those of us who live on the west coast of British Columbia. On the way back from a beautiful wedding in Tofino I captured some of the awe inspiring sights.
My first day in the studio since college... 8 years... yikes!
Captured some beautiful photos of Melissa McClelland.
Could not have gotten one of these shots if it wasn't for Maren Harman, Lisa Kaulback and Matin Bahadori donating their genius creativity, blood sweat and tears. Thank you!
Melissa has a new record coming out in 2009. Keep your eye out for this killer songstress! www.melissamcclelland.com
Melissa and I hit the road again... yes.. again... We just can't get enough I guess!
We flew to Arizona in the Spring and rented a car. Patsy Cline and Roy Orbison were the soundtrack this time around. Tucson, Sedona and the Grand Canyon were the highlights.
Shout out to Jose "Paco" Sanchez for his generous hospitality!
Above are some snapshots I captured along the way. Enjoy!